Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Links for Kids

I had so many Christmas fun links that I had to split them somewhere. So I put the ones children as well as adults may enjoy here, though parents may want to preview them first. Some can be annoying! My kids have had quite a bit of fun with these, which interferes with their homework AND my internet time. While they are online, I have to resort to (shudder) housework! OH THE HORROR!

Ahem. Back to to Christmas. At left is my older daughter in her elf costume for the Christmas play a couple weeks ago. She was so excited to have a speaking part! Among her other lines, she called Santa Claus an “old Geezer”. Chip off the old block, she is. My other daughter has spent the last couple of weeks using up all my gift wrap, scotch tape, and boxes to wrap things I already own so she can give them to me on Christmas. When she runs out of tape, she goes back to all the virtual snowman sites I had here a few days ago.

Virtual Christmas snowglobe you can shake!

Christmas carol generator. Select a song, or construct your own and send it to friends. My daughter (the Star Wars nerd) picked out this song.

Christmas jigsaw puzzle. Not as difficult as it looks.

Musical Christmas postcards
you can send to your friends.

Request a Christmas Carol from the Singing Chins.

An old, but seriously beautiful Christmas ecard.

This card is beautiful, too. Clicking one of the animations will lead you from page to page, just be sure to give it some load time.

Everything you didn’t know about the TV special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Fascinating reading!

This is called Grow Ornament. I don't understand it, but its cute. I should ask my kids what it is.

Christmas Elf Name

My Christmas Elf Name is
Get your Christmas Elf Name at

Don't forget to follow Santa's takeoff and trajectory at Norad tracks Santa. The downloads page has a lot of fun stuff! Send your last-minute email to Santa throught the North Pole website. For a fast response, try this site. (Thanks, Wendy!)

Santa's blog has stories and other Christmas fun.

This story of a little dog who wants a home for Christmas came in too late for the Dog' Christmas post, but it will fit here just fine.

You know how some people sing the wrong words to Christmas carols? Thats called a mondegreen. Here’s a list of the funniest ones.

And here’s some more, from grade school kids.

A teacher in Atlanta asked her students to write the words to their favorite Christmas Carols. She probably got fired for mentioning Christmas in school. Anyway here are some of the humorous lines she received:

Deck the Halls with Buddy Holly

We three kings of porridge and tar

On the first day of Christmas my tulip gave to me

Later on we'll perspire, as we dream by the fire.

He's makin a list, chicken and rice.

Noel. Noel, Barney's the king of Israel.

With the jelly toast proclaim

Olive, the other reindeer. (all of the other reindeer)

Frosty the Snowman is a ferret elf, I say

Sleep in heavenly peas

In the meadow we can build a snowman, Then pretend that he is sparse and brown

You'll go down in listerine

Oh, what fun it is to ride with one horse, soap and hay

O come, froggy faithful

You'll tell Carol, "Be a skunk, I require"

Lots more kid’s jokes, information, projects, and stuff at Santa’s Christmas Page.

Thought for Today: There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child. -Erma Bombeck


  1. What a sweet elf she is too! Aren't they a delight? Well, ours are 15 and 18 now, not so little, but still sweet... in a teenage kind of way.

  2. What fantastic ideas. Great blog and great info.
