Thursday, August 25, 2005

odds and ends

Thanks for the feedback and submissions! The smartest man I know wrote and asked me what Cellania means. Several people want me to send them tomatoes. Still taking suggestions. Give me a topic, and I'll throw it into the pot and let it stew.

Lorrie is trying to tell me there ain't no Santa Claus. I saw him yesterday at an intersection. He was a big guy, about fiftysomething, with long white hair and beard, driving a sporty red convertable. I smiled at him. He winked at me! Hee hee, Santa is going through a mid-life crisis!

"Irony lives in China, a photo blog" (Thanks Ann!) Check out the picture of the sign for Zapata's restaurant!

Just beautiful. Harbin’s Ice and Snow World

Todays quiz: What Dilbert character are you? has constant contests for Photoshop enthusiasts. Right now they are featuring one for melding two movies into one poster. Take a look! See The Lion King and I, A Few Good Men in Black, Dirty Harry Potter, and My Big Fat Greeking Wedding Crashers. You'll need to scroll down a bit, they have a lot of ads.

If you are going to pick your nose, do it here.

Thought for today: It's hard to make a come back when you haven't been

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that gas sign. That's just hilarious. We should print those out really big and start posting them over top of the real gas signs in the middle of the night.
