Double Amputee Cat Flying Handstand

Boots came into the care of Life Is Better Rescue when she was just two weeks old -with her rear paws cut off.
The doctor’s have confirmed that her limb amputations were not as the result of a birth disorder and were not naturally occurring – both bones are quite ragged and the exposed nerve endings cause her pain as she grows, gains weight, and tries to walk on what are essentially exposed nubs. Our best guess was that she was either closed in a door or perhaps caught in a recliner as it came upright – not intentional – but certainly being dropped in the night box at the municipal shelter not a humane solution either.
Since then, Boots has been under medical care and is making great progress, but has not yet received prosthetic paws. However, in the last few days, this feisty cat has developed her own way of getting down the stairs! Way to go, Boots! (via Arbroath)

How Graduating Feels

After years of excitement about growing up and looking forward to being on your own, graduation finally comes, and the one thing you’ve gotten really good at -being a student- is no longer your day-to-day existence. As you get closer to jumping out of that plane, the more likely you feel the need for someone to push you. Now what? Who knows? That was the case 35 years ago when I graduated, and it’s the same for webcomic artist Sarah Andersen. We know she’ll do fine, and we wish her all the luck in the world!

Disney Villains: The Musical

Disney Princesses may end up with the handsome prince, but playing the villain has to be more fun. In this music video by AVBytes, the Evil Queen, Ursula, Cruella DeVil, and Maleficent sing about their malicious aspirations for their sworn enemies. (via Tastefully Offensive)

An Honest Trailer for Alice in Wonderland

Screen Junkies presents another episode of their Honest Trailer series, with a look at the 2010 Tim Burton film Alice in Wonderland, which is not the story you recall from your childhood. After watching this, I’m glad I didn’t bother seeing the film. Honestly, though, I decided not to as soon as I saw the real trailer. 


Last week, the trending topic was the Twitter hashtag #YesAllWomen. I kept collecting good articles on the subject and meant to post them all at once, but have not gotten around to it until now. This list was whittled down from one three times as long, in case you want to see what’s been said.

When Women Refuse is blog of stories of violence inflicted on women who reject sexual advances.

Straight talk from a mom to her son about women who might not want to have sex with him.

An Open Letter To All Men Concerning #YesAllWomen. By Arthur Chu.

Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Misogyny, Entitlement, and Nerds.

Misogyny: The Sites.

Phil Plait wrote a sensitive and thoughtful piece on #YesAllWomen and immediately received hundreds of defensive comments from men.

The Twitter conversation around #YesAllWomen is a sobering reminder of how commonly women are robbed of a sense of dignity and full personhood.

So You’re A Man With An Opinion About Feminism And #YesAllWomen.

Comic by Matt Bors.

Actually Guy

This is the life of “Mr. Right,” meaning he’s gotta be right all the time. Well, he may have the correct facts, but correcting everyone else makes him the guy no one wants to be around. It’s lonely being a know-it-all. Actually, you’d think if he were that smart, he would have figured that out by now. (via Digg)

Guess What This Is

If you said it was a kitchen sponge, you are a normal person. If you said “Spongebob!” then you are still pretty normal, just young. No need to waste too much time trying to figure out the real answer, when you can just go to reddit to see the original headline.


A powerful magician cannot stop making kittens. While he is tickled about what he can do, she is worried about what’s gonna happen to all those cats! (via Metafilter)

Miss Cellania's Links

Harpo Marx Naked. Not a picture, but plenty of stories.

The Real Origins of the Religious Right.

Everything You Never Knew About The Making Of Escape From New York.

Trying to Censor the Biggest Story in the World -Germany’s Surrender in 1945. (via Daily of the Day)

Hay, Man: The Curious Life and Times of Scarecrows.

News Corp, which owns Fox News, bought Harlequin publishing. Bill Maher imagines what the new and improved romance novels will be like. (via Metafilter)

8 Legendary Deleted Movie Scenes You’ve Never Seen. For most of them, there’s a very good reason you haven’t.

21 Things You Never Knew About AC/DC. And they’re still rocking after 37 years.

The Wonder Years cast reunited to record some DVD extras. The photos show that they are all looking pretty good 21 years after the show went off the air.

Abandon Hope All Ye Tried in Japan. The nation’s courts have a 99% conviction rate.

The Company Dances

This is the dance crew called The Company performing at the Vibe XIX 2014 dance contest in January. The routine may be different from what you’re used to, but you gotta hand it to them, the precision and timing these dancers show is impressive! They came in second to this performance by Academy of Villains. However, the internet has embraced the more relatable second-place routine. (via Viral Viral Videos)

Soldier Adopts Dog That Saved His Life

What would you do for a friend who takes a bullet for you? Staff Sgt. Julian McDonald’s life was saved in Afghanistan when Layka took down an enemy, despite being shot four times. The incident left her with one less leg, and out of a job.

To the military, dogs are war equipment, to be discarded when no longer useful. To the service members who know them, they are fellow soldiers. McDonald slogged through a difficult bureaucratic battle and managed to take Layka home to his family, where she enjoys the retirement she deserves. That’s a good dog.

Layka’s picture is on the cover of the June issue of National Geographic magazine, which has an article on military working dogs. (via Viral Viral Videos)

Ants Building a Gecko

Watch these ants build a gecko, starting when they put the bones together. Of course, you know ants don’t build geckos. This is a video of ants devouring and disassembling a dead gecko. YouTube member JaGe090879 uploaded the original video a few years ago, and viewers suggested running it reverse, which he did. (via Buzzfeed)

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Libretto: The Blonsky Device. An opera about using centripetal force to aid in childbirth.

Johnny Cash Has Been EVERYWHERE (Man)! (via Metafilter)

Does Flossing Prevent Tooth Decay

Kristin and Zachary had the ultimate geek wedding -it incorporated ninjas, video games, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and LEGO.  

Mitch McConnell’s Big Obamacare-Kynect Lie.

Dido Belle: the Artworld Enigma Who Inspired a Movie. (via Metafilter)

Can You Read People’s Emotions? The New York Times has a quiz in which you are asked to judge emotions on faces that only show you the eyes. (via Nag on the Lake)
The Most Expensive Starbucks Drink Yet: the “Sexagintuple Vanilla Bean Mocha Frappuccino” at $54.75. (via Uproxx

Say Hello to the Akron Zoo’s New Baby Snow Leopards. With the species so critically endangered, the birth of twins is a significant event.

14 of Your Dog's Wild Relatives. Most are wolves and foxes, but there are a few outliers, too.

How Tsunamis Work

Alex Gendler explains the forces behind tsunamis in this TED-Ed animation. This gives us a pretty clear explanation of how tsunamis can sneak across oceans without being visible until they reach shore. The full lesson is at the TED-Ed site. (via Viral Viral Videos)

Riding in Google’s Self-driving Car

A few people get to ride in a Google self-driving car. Just press a button and the car takes you where you want to go. How it knows where you want to go isn’t really explained, but this test drive took place in Mountain View, California, where drivers know how to recognize a self-driving car on the streets when they see one. Google says,
It was inspiring to start with a blank sheet of paper and ask, “What should be different about this kind of vehicle?” We started with the most important thing: safety. They have sensors that remove blind spots, and they can detect objects out to a distance of more than two football fields in all directions, which is especially helpful on busy streets with lots of intersections. And we’ve capped the speed of these first vehicles at 25 mph. On the inside, we’ve designed for learning, not luxury, so we’re light on creature comforts, but we’ll have two seats (with seatbelts), a space for passengers’ belongings, buttons to start and stop, and a screen that shows the route—and that’s about it.
Since this video was produced by the Google Self-Driving Car Project, you have to wonder who was edited out. I have to consciously not look at the road when someone else is driving, and my husband can’t stand to be in a car at all unless he is driving. Either of us would be jumpy and nervous riding in this car. And you know they wouldn’t include any footage of squirrels getting run over. Still, this could be a great idea for people who are too old to drive or too drunk to drive, when it passes the testing stage. (via Viral Viral Videos)

Bear Battle Royale

It’s much better to be born a bear cub twin than a single. Look at these two siblings go at it -they are having a lot of fun! Bub Christensen caught these two cubs cavorting in his backyard without a care in the world, because Mama Bear was nearby, keeping an eye out. The camera may be a little wobbly, but I think he did a pretty good job, considering he was zooming in from a relatively safe distance. (via Daily Picks and Flicks)

Butt Drugs

Redditor muffindinosaur spotted this bumper sticker and did not understand. To be fair, I don’t understand how the name muffindinosaur came about, either, but I do know Butt Drugs.

Rhett & Link made this ad for the store several years ago, and it’s still just as valid as it was then.

Miss Cellania's Links

10 Facts You Might Not Know about Angel.

See who won the title at the 29th Annual Exhibition of the British Tarantula Society. (via Metafilter)

How the Gun Nuts Try to Excuse Away the Santa Barbara Slaughter—and Why They’re All Wrong.

Why Do Students Get Summers Off?

This Is How You Airlift A Rhino To Safety. Transport by helicopter is faster and less jarring than riding in a truck.

An Anonymous Real Estate Magnate Is Giving Away Cash on Twitter. Good news if you live in San Francisco, but more of southern California is next.

The Untold Stories Behind 10 Rock ‘n’ Roll Threesomes. Threesomes in songs, that is, with humorous conjecture to make them a bit more entertaining.

Taylor Crafton graduated from high school while her father was deployed to Cuba with the Air Force. But Crafton got a big surprise on stage when Dad, having gotten a last-minute leave, came out to congratulate her.

Photographer Tim Dodd bought a Russian high-altitude space suit in an auction. To put the suit to good use, he did a photo series called “Everyday Astronaut.”

Why Americans spend less of their income on food than any other country. It’s true, despite the fact that we eat so much more of it.

Cat Plays Jenga

Moe is a smart cat. Not only does he grasp the concept of Jenga, he’s pretty good at executing it. At least, until he loses his patience.

I wish my cats were this good at Jenga. Mine think the whole object of the game -or any game- is to make sure all the pieces fall as far as they can. The ultimate goal would be to get them all to the floor, where humans would step on them and provide even more entertainment. And then one of the four cats is a collector, meaning all the pieces would be stashed in her hiding place behind the water dish (or in it). (via reddit)  

Sheep Choir

Aww -all the little lambs are assembled for their lessons. What an attentive class! Now, repeat after me. That’s very good, boys and girls! Keep it up, and soon we’ll be working on your four-part harmony. Meanwhile, keep working on that synchronized bleating. (via Arbroath)

Steve Perry Sings

Steve Perry hasn’t sung in public since 1995, but he surprised the audience at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul, Minnesota, Saturday by joining the group Eels onstage. Perry performed three songs, two of which you will surely recognize. (via Metafilter)

Miss Cellania's Links

10 Questions Still Baffling Scientists.

Uproxx has collected some of The Most Clever And Thought-Provoking #YesAllWomen Tweets so that you can get an overview. There’s a lot more at Twitter.

Is It Better to Rent or to Buy a Home? According to an article in the New York Times, the answer all depends on where you want to live. They also have an online calculator that will tell you whether it’s financially prudent to buy or to rent.

Dear graduates: Don’t follow your dreams (A commencement speech for the mediocre).

Is Using Lotion a Black Thing? (via Metafilter)

The Internet Citizenship Test. (via b3ta)

16 Fascinating Things You Didn’t Know About Maleficent.

The Government is Still Failing Kids on School Lunches. We shouldn’t give up on healthy food just because kids are used to eating junk.

How America is failing its veterans. Waiting times at VA hospitals is just the tip of the iceberg.

Why are extraterrestrials fascinated with Earth’s cows? We don’t know for sure, but it may have something to do with barbecue.

I Can’t Even

Sam Tabor got just plain ridiculous while making a video that pokes fun at modern slang. A comment at reddit sums up what this is about:

Teenage girls literally just like form sentences out of fillers words now. I can't even.

Followed by a discussion on where this foreign language came from. (via reddit)

The Scott Olsen Case

Scott Olsen, an Iraq War veteran, was shot by police with a beanbag during the Occupy Oalkland protest in 2011. It broke his skull an due suffered permanent brain damage. I wonder if this sort of thing will ever make it into U.S. history books. I honestly doubt it. (via Metafilter)

Miss Cellania's Links

The 45 Top U.S. Armed Forces Movies.

The 94 Most Badass Soldiers Who Ever Lived.

WWII’s Greatest Battle: How Kursk Changed the War. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s because America wasn’t involved.

Douglas Munro, The Only US Coast Guardsman to Receive the Medal of Honor.

Life During Wartime: 6 Stories and Poems from the Trenches. There are more powerful quotes in the comments.

Before they were on Mad Men, the stars of the TV show had other roles. Som were an awful long time ago, so this look back may surprise you.

The 15 Stupidest Comic Book Superpowers. For some characters, they must have just pulled them out of a hat.

The 10 Best Tap Dance Scenes In Film. It’s a holiday, take some time to enjoy this, because you will.

15 Facts About Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade.

20 Things You Might Not Know About The X-Men and Days of Future Past.

Scrambled Summaries are Comedy Gold.

The Road Home

We have a new tale from StoryCorps, animated by the Rauch Brothers. Eddie Lanier struggled with alcoholism for most of his life, but when he decided to turn that life around, David Wright stepped in to do what he could. Lanier tells his story with Wright by his side. (Thanks, Krisi!)

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Turn Your Phone 90 Degrees

Here’s a sweet little song by IFHT about correcting a pet peeve of the internet generation. Honestly, I spent a big part of my day watching videos and deciding which ones are good enough to post. I can’t tell you how many times the wrong orientation caused me to discard a video that would otherwise be posted. Vertical orientation just adds a layer of difficulty to the viewer. Too bad the people who really need to learn this won’t see this video. (via Tastefully Offensive)

Truck Weaves a Bit

In China, this was worth making a gif. In Russia, they just call this "Tuesday." (via reddit)

Keyboard Cat Performs “96 Tears”

Charlie Schmidt, who found internet fame seven years ago when his 1984 film Keyboard Cat was made into a meme, has a new kitty hit! This cat is playing the 1966 hit song “96 Tears” by ? and the Mysterians. Look at that face -that cat is too cool for school. (via Tastefully Offensive)

Friday, May 23, 2014

Meta Mentoring

Well, I guess it saves on teachers' salaries. (via Bad Newspaper)

How Rich is Bill Gates?

We know Bill Gates is the richest man in the country, and sometimes the world. Neil deGrasse Tyson paints a picture of Gates’ wealth in an analogy we can all understand. And when we understand it, we have to say “whoa!” (via reddit)

Sir Patrick Stewart on Colbert

Patrick Stewart answers questions on time travel, aging, and flying coach. Not that it matters what he talks about, you know it’s going to be good. (via Digg)

I removed the video and replaced it with a static image because it auto-played for at least one person. But you can see it at the Colbert report site.  

Miss Cellania's Links

Why Did Women Start Wearing Makeup?

The Case for Reparations. An involved and thoughtful look at how ingrained racism is in America.

Could the Clothes on Your Back Halt Global Warming?

Metal in the Microwave Explodes—Or Does It?

Members of Congress With Daughters Vote Better on Women's Issues. More here.

10 Real-Life Locations of Fictional Television Hangouts

The latest research shows that heart disease is not as closely related to a fatty diet as we once thought. So why does the American Heart Association keep pushing a low-fat diet as the only healthy choice?

Everybody deserves a second chance. In a series of gifs, watch a sick homeless dog transform into a beautiful healthy animal.

Have you ever wondered what Morgan Freeman would sound like on helium? Here you go, but you may get the feeling he’s about to pass out.

Here’s The Formula For Every Group Of Characters In Pop Culture. Once you know it, you’ll see it everywhere.

Jam Session Moves to TV

Remember the video of the three guys who jammed together on a sidewalk? Now we know a lot more about them. Jimmy Kimmel looked up the guy who recorded the video, and somehow found all three guys in order to recreate the magic on Jimmy Kimmel Live! They are guitarist Jesse Rya, Gospel singer Howard Mullins, and rapper Roadwork.

Kimmel joins them on bass clarinet, then his musical friends Guillermo, Dicky, Cleto and the Cletones fill the stage. Then come special guests Trey Songz, Juicy J, and Aloe Blacc. And a gospel choir! (via Viral Viral Videos)  

Miss Cellania's Links

12 Cool My Little Pony Clocks.

Disneyland’s Original Prospectus.

Switching From iPhone to Android Can Make You Lose Your Texts.

31 Graduation Caps That Absolutely Nailed It.

The 300 best commencement speeches ever.

The Best illusion of the Year Contest announced its winners this past weekend in a ceremony at St. Pete Beach, Florida. (via Sploid)

Your guide to advanced Twitter punctuation. You’ve only got 140 characters -make them count!
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A paralyzed goat at an animal shelter gets a new set of wheels. Watch Frosty adorably discover he can move again.

17 Merit Badges You Should Have Earned In College. Honestly, you learned an awful lot outside of the classroom.

EVERY eBay Account Holder Worldwide Has Been Hacked, Company Says. It might be time to change your password.

Miss Cellania's Links

Forgotten Heroes Who Changed the Course of American History.

12 Internet Memes You Can Snuggle Up With. 

33 Misconceptions Men Have About Women’s Bodies. And by “men,” they mean 12-year-old boys on reddit.

Between 12,000 and 13,000 years ago, a 15-year-old girl wandered into a cave on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and died. Then the Ice Age glaciers melted and the cave was filled with water. In 2007, divers discovered her skeleton and the DNA of the girl they call Naia has since been sequenced. (via TYWKIWDBI)

Same Sex Marriage Map. This animated map shows the evolution of laws governing same-sex marriage in the United States from 1994 to today. (via Metafilter)

The Leaked Plot For Jurassic World Is Gleefully Insane. We can only hope it’s not a red herring.

How To Fail At Having A Book Club In 29 Easy Steps. Maybe you should just join an established club online.

I Wanna Marry “Harry” is a new reality competition dating program in which the women are told the bachelor is Prince Harry -but he’s just a lookalike. The big reveal will presumably happen on April Fool’s Day.

Can You Pass A Middle School Spelling Test? Of course you can, and me, too, although I would fail a typing test.

Could a robot do your job? Probably, and sooner or later the only people making any money will be those who own the robots.

An Honest Trailer for The X-Men Trilogy

In the latest of the Honest Trailer series, Screen Junkies gives us a run-down of what we all need to know about the X-Men movies. This look back at the first three films comes just in time for the premiere of X-Men: Days of Future Past, which hit theaters this coming Friday. (via Tastefully Offensive)

Miss Cellania's Links

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. The history of the mirror.

The town of Zillah, Washington, has a Church of God, listed as the Church of God-Zillah for longer than the movie monster has existed. But the obvious pun has brought them some attention, and they ran with it. (via mental_floss)

19 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Disney Pixar’s Up

Google marked the 40th anniversary of the Rubik’s Cube with an interactive Google Doodle. If you missed it, here’s the permanent version.

Food for Thought on a Billboard. (via reddit)

The Worst Day Of My Life Is Now New York’s Hottest Tourist Attraction. A firsthand report from the 9/11 Memorial Museum.

Seven helpful tips, or what they now call life hacks, for dogs. No, not about caring for your dog, but if you are a dog.

How the Internet is changing the face of diversity on television. Immediate feedback on Twitter has brought some common sense to TV programming.

A Comprehensive History of Toho’s Original Kaiju (and Atomic Allegory) Godzilla. The monster evolved while bouncing back and forth between Tokyo and Hollywood.

Artists pay tribute to H.R. Giger via the medium of weeping xenomorphs. A simple yet unmistakable message.