TARDIS Talking Plush

Attention Doctor Who fans! Now you can cuddle up with your very own TARDIS Talking Plush from the NeatoShop. This great 8" tall plush makes sound effects and has flashing lights when you push the front.

Blue Dalek Talking Plush and Red Dalek Talking Plush also available.

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more fantastic Doctor Who items.


Furry Floor Show

Relax, this is a tourist thing, not fetish footage. Although it does make you think of that. (via Arbroath)

Gaseous Anomalies

A wonderful compilation of Star Trek fart jokes. Because underneath, we are all 12 years old. (via b3ta)

Koko's Earth Control

A Max & Dave Fleischer cartoon from 1928.

Kids Swede Alien

Here, children are re-enacting a key scene from Alien. After somewhat lengthy histrionics, you'll see the most ridiculous low-budget chestburster ever! This is the fifth in a webseries of Kids Swede Movies. (Thanks, Brian!)

Miss Cellania's Links

How did the internet react to the Supreme Court's ruling on Obamacare? With memes and image macros, of course! And more here.

Psycho: Alfred Hitchcock’s Scariest Film.

An Internet Family Vacation. See what happens when websites get together for a camping trip. A lot of inside jokes, with more in the comments.

See a supercut of TV's Best Confession of Love. Surprising, goofy, tragic, or epic, all together they will make you go mushy inside.

Would you like to learn how a microwave oven works? Did you even know people used to refer to them as microwave "ovens?"

Jeff Cohen’s five-year-old daughter decided her three-year-old sister needed a haircut, so she got the scissors. Weeks later, after everyone had calmed down and learned their lessons, he interviewed the girls about the experience.

An Ache for the Distance. How important is it to see the world?

Aces of Bass

Ace of Base was a Swedish pop group of the '90s. Aces of Bass is a tribute band that performs cover versions of their music ...on bass fiddles! (via The Daily What)

Why You Should Spiral-Cut Your Wiener

First, there's the how. And then there are several good reasons why. Get the charcoal out -I think I'll try this tonight! But just the hot dogs. Bratwurst has a casing and should not be spiral-cut. (via reddit)

The 2012 Olympic Torch Relay

Less than a month to go before the opening of the London Olympics, and we are halfway through the 70-day Olympic Torch Relay that takes the Olympic Flame through all four countries of the United Kingdom. The route covers 8,000 miles and involves 8,000 relay runners. See some of those runners in an article I wrote for mental_floss.

Photograph by Flickr user Matthew Riley.

The MST3K Supercut

Sean McDonnell put together one joke from each of the 198 episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 into one supercut. It took him three months to complete the project. Read about how he did it at The Daily Dot.

Miss Cellania's Links

The Google X laboratory unveiled an artificial intelligence computer that can learn new concepts from raw data on the internet. The first thing it taught itself was how to recognize a cat.

6 Obscure Classic Cartoon Characters.

How To Make a Viral Hit in Four Easy Steps. This one hit where it hurts, because I always credit reddit and still get criticized for using "their stuff."

Does It Matter If the Heroine of 'Brave' Is Gay?

Unless you think you deserve that hangover as punishment, you'll do anything to make it stop. That's where science comes in.

John Edwards and Rielle Hunter's relationship survived through many overwhelming obstacles -until her book was published. There are lessons we can all learn from this affair.

Every student wishes that their teachers could be as cool as the teachers in movies and on TV. The bad news is, in real life those teachers would never be awarded tenure.

The Truth About Lie Detectors. Even more interesting than the history of the instrument was what its inventor did next.

Today's image is by Ben Rollman, who will draw you as a robot, too!

That Peculiar Subway Step

Dean Peterson noticed that the tenth step up on the staircase at his subway stop in Brooklyn was a fraction of an inch taller than the other stairs. That's just enough to make everyone whack it with their foot, because by the time you reach it, your feet know how tall it should be. According to the comments at vimeo, http://vimeo.com/44807536 the stairs have been cordoned off with caution tape just today. Maybe this video had something to do with it. (via Metafilter)

Pop Mash Up

Did someone say disco was dead? YouTube user Vissagan said,

I was listening to the radio when I realized I could mix every song I had just heard.

And so he did. Now if he had only laid Pachelbel's Canon down as a background... I'm pretty sure it would have worked. (via Buzzfeed)

Sphinx Kittens Bath

It's their first bath -but at least they don't have to go around with wet hair!

Crispy Tauntaun

A new Epic Meal Time video is out, with a Star Wars themed meal. Get ready for Crispy Tauntaun! Language may be NSFW. (via The Daily What Geek)

Miss Cellania's Links

The Sleep-Retardant Properties of My Ex-Girlfriend. A scientific analysis that explains why she's an "ex."

The Supreme Court is expected to announce their ruling on the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) on Thursday. If you need to catch up, here are the answers to ten common questions about the case.

Meet Gilbert Baker, the Man Who Invented the Gay Pride Rainbow Flag. The symbol has been used for 34 years now!

Frankenweenie was a 1984 animated short that got Tim Burton fired from Disney. Now he's making it into a feature film, and we have a new trailer to watch.

The internet is an amazing place where we can see a live childbirth, as recorded on an MRI scanner. There's also a video of sex in an MRI, not that you have to watch it.

Why is this dog in the refrigerator? Because that's where the food is!

Ace of Bass was a Swedish pop group of the '90s. Aces of Bass is a tribute band that performs cover versions of their music ...on bass fiddles.

6 ridiculously bizarre court sentences. Judges here and there are tired of revolving-door justices and have handed out odd and memorable punishments.

4 More Examples of American Political Corruption. And as long as there is money and power involved, new cases will still hit the news with regular frequency.

Henri 3: Le Vet

The return of Henri, the existential cat, features a trip to the vet. Sadly, the vet does not listen to Henri's tale of despair and ennui. As expected.

Dachshund Encounters Crab

Madeline the puppy sees a ghost crab and isn't sure what it is. The crab is sure he wants to escape to the safety of the ocean. (via Arbroath

10 Envy-inducing Video Game Bathrooms

The stereotype of the serious video gamer living in his parent’s basement, sitting in the dark covered in Cheeto dust only covers a small portion of gamers. Many have grown up with video games and eventually bought their own homes. Owning a home means you can surround yourself with decor that reminds you of your favorite things. However, there are also spouses who will veto your wildest ideas. But many will compromise and the bathroom is a good, mostly private place to let your imagination run wild. Therefore, the video game bathroom was born. See them show off your favorite game themes in this list I posted at mental_floss.

Garbage Disposal in a Volcano

Campers in Ethopia threw a bag of garbage into a volcanic crater to see what would happen. The bag broke through the thin crust covering a pool of magma and allowed the lava to spew out. No word on whether they were fined for littering. (via reddit)

Miss Cellania's Links

The Legend of King Arthur.

Why Johnny Can’t Add Without a Calculator.

The Tyrant of Clipperton Island. A horrific story of abandonment, starvation, abuse, survival, and rescue. 

Sunday brought the news that Lonesome George, the very last Pinta Island tortoise, had died. He heads a list of 17 Animals That Became Extinct In Our Lifetime.

Antique machinery is full of beautiful design and fascinating if obsolete technology that could easily cause your death. And that old stuff is liable to still work!

Meet the top 100 people who shaped the internet. Called the Digital Power Index, these are the people you can thank for the playground we all play in.

The European Union wanted an ad campaign to encourage more females to go into science. The silly sexist ad that was actually produced encouraged facepalms instead.

Singapore's Gardens by the Bay: A Stunning Feat of Green Design. Just looking at the pictures makes you feel like you're on a vacation trip.

The U.S. Olympic trials saw a tie for third place in the 100-yard dash as Allyson Felix and Jenebah Tarmoh both crossed the finish line in 11.068 seconds. Since only one of them can be in the top three and race in the Olympics, they will have to break the tie one way or another.

Window Pain

Simon's Cat's latest adventure involves making sure the window is there, even when you can't see it. Another cute animation by Simon Tofield.

Bloody Knife Spatula


Do you suspect you are in need of a new spatula? Quick! Dispose of your old kitchen utensil and replace it with the Bloody Knife Spatula from the NeatoShop! This useful silicone tool is printed to look like a bloody knife. The thin spatula head slips easily under food. It would be a crime not to have this gruesomely fabulous spatula at the scene of your next baking adventure.

Be sure to investigate the NeatoShop for more unusual Kitchen Stuff.


Shotgun Wedding

Redditor jdstiffler posted a photograph from his wedding, featuring his groomsmen. He also said, "I think you can guess my favorite hobby." Hundreds of guesses followed, with no confirmation as to what his favorite hobby actually is, but most agree that this is an awesome wedding picture.

Miss Cellania's Links

Forged in the Heat of Battle: The Origin of the Boy Scouts.

Why Are Buses So Conducive to Bullying? Because there’s nowhere to hide.

This is Why You're Broke. Some folks will always want to have it all.

The definition of marriage has gone through changes throughout history. If you can predict the future by the trajectory of the past, gay marriage will eventually be legal across the U.S.

Have you ever noticed a YouTube video that has a hundred comments and thousands of likes, but only 301 views? Brady Haran explains why that happens.

31 Insanely Easy And Clever DIY Projects. Once you try these, you'll have the confidence for even bigger things!

At graduation, the North Penn High School class of 2012 was treated to a performance of songs from each year they've been in school. Notice the graduates sang along on most of the songs.

It's hard enough to travel internationally with regular luggage, much less sports equipment. Now imagine that equipment is your 17-foot-long pole vault pole!

British scientists say they've solved the mystery of why Stonehenge was built. It's much more of a feel-good story than previous theories.

11 Notable Presidential Pardons. Forgiveness can be politically expedient or a parting shot from a retiring leader.

Ducks Deliver Mail at Nursing Home

Steve Score delivers mail to Emmanuel Nursing Home in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. Sometimes he brings along his assistants: ducklings named Peeper and the Pipettes. The residents love getting mail from the ducks! http://www.wtsp.com/news/article/260412/81/Ducks-deliver-nursing-homes-mail (via Buzzfeed)

The Blarney Stone

A group of Americans was touring Ireland. One of the women in the group was a real curmudgeon, constantly complaining. The bus seats are uncomfortable the food is terrible It's too hot, It's too cold & the accommodations are awful.
The group arrived at the site of the famous Blarney Stone. "Good luck will be following you all your days, if you kiss the Blarney Stone," the guide said. "Unfortunately, it's being cleaned today and so no one will be able to kiss it. Perhaps we can come back tomorrow."

"We can't be here tomorrow," the nasty woman shouted. "We have some other boring tour to go on. So I guess we can't kiss the stupid stone."

"Well now," the guide said, "it is said that if you kiss someone who has kissed the stone, you'll have the same good fortune."

"And I suppose you've kissed the stone," the woman scoffed.

"No, ma'am," the frustrated guide said, "but I've sat on it."

Robot Dance Party

The Dance Party Robot brings the party music with him to outdoor areas around San Fransisco! You can follow his schedule on Twitter. See a close-up view at Laughing Squid.

Salami Plush

Salami Plush - $7.45

Are you crazy about that delectable, highly seasoned, sausage, known as salami? It is time to declare your love of all things salami with the fantastic Salami Plush from the NeatoShop. This deliciously fun toy is shaped like a salami sausage and includes 3 slices of salami. It is the perfect way to cuddle up with your favorite deli meat.

Hungry for more fun items? Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more great Plush Toys.


Fun at the Beach

Whenever you have access to an excavating machine, you have an automatic homemade thrill ride. The consensus seems to be that these are Romanian tourists at the Black Sea, in a video uploaded from Poland. But what is that thing they are riding on? It looks like a mop, but my guess is it is a tent of some sort. (via The Daily What)

Star Wars 4-Piece Collector 16 oz. Pint Glass Set

Are you looking for the ultimate Star Wars glassware for your kitchen? You need the Star Wars 4-Piece Collector 16 oz. Pint Glass Set from the NeatoShop. This great set of 4 pint glasses features: Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, Yoda, and Boba Fett. The force is strong with this set.

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more fantastic Star Wars items!

Starry Night by Vincent Van Domino

Domino builder FlippyCat recreated the iconic Van Gogh painting Starry Night in dominoes -7,000 of them! Watching the build process is a real treat, although I'm glad it was sped up. As a bonus, we get to see a bit of the clean up and some outtakes as well. (via Buzzfeed)

Party Rock Cantina Band

Now you know how to dance to the music in Mos Eisley's most wretched hive of scum and villainy. That knowledge could come in handy! (via Buzzfeed)

Curiosity's Seven Minutes of Terror

NASA's newest Mars probe, Curiosity, is scheduled to land on Mars on August 6th, 2012. It won't be easy. You can follow the latest updates at NASA's Mars Science Laboratory site. (via Metafilter)

Internet Micro Celebrity

Do you know someone whose self-esteem relies on how many "friends" and "followers" they have? That kind of ego-boost can backfire  on you in the blink of an eye. (via b3ta)

Just Like Pawn Stars

A sign spotted outside a pawn shop. Yes, I know, it should be "fewer" fat guys. (via reddit)


TARDIS Safe - $51.95

Attention Doctor Who fans! Are you looking for the perfect place to store your favorite treasures? You need the TARDIS Safe from the NeatoShop. This lockable portable bank features flashing lights and sound effects when opened.

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more awesome Doctor Who items!


How Smart Are You?

 I took a little IQ test just a few minutes ago.

Your IQ is 164

Congratulations! You're in the top 0.001% of the population in terms of intelligence, the exclusive 99.999th percentile.

Turned out pretty good, if you know what I mean. You can take the test, too, at Buzzfeed.

Walking Moai

The huge human statues on Easter Island are called "moai." They were carved hundreds of years ago from volcanic rock eleven miles away and transported to their current locations using neither wheels nor beasts of burden. How? The islanders say they walked. In this video, researchers Terry Hunt and Carl Lipo demonstrate one way that could have happened. Read more about the moai of Easter Island in the July 2012 issue of National Geographic magazine. (via The Daily What)

Miss Cellania's Links

4 Modern K9s Worth Knowing About.

New Yorker Johan Kugelberg was most impressed with the weirdness of pizza toppings offered in Sweden. They include raisins, bananas, canned fruit cocktail, Bearnaise sauce, mashed potatoes, peanuts, etc. (via Gawker)

Five Headlines Lazy Bloggers Use To Hide The Fact That They’re Wasting Your Time.

The Rise of the Fork. (via Fark)

Here's a shocking secret: a lot of "reality TV" is fake. However, different shows run the gamut from creative editing to constructing unnecessary conflicts.

5 Spices with Incredible Healing Power. Bonus: they make food taste delicious as well!

C'sar the elephant had surgery to remove cataracts. His life improved so much that the zoo is considering fitting him with the first set of pachyderm contact lenses!

6 Reasons Why James Lipton is the Coolest. Underneath an aristocratic air and perfect diction lies a wicked sense of humor.

Ten Principles of Economics

"Mankiw's 10 principles of economics, translated for the uninitiated", by Yoram Bauman. I can almost follow this! Too bad it is a couple of years old. I bet he's have a time explaining the mess we're in now.

Milk in My Sippy Cup!

The sounds of little Max's day make up the rap by Wax, Herbal T, EOM, Andrew Kurchinski, and Yesica Rodriguez. Herbal T is Max's dad. Adorable! (via The Daily What)

A Day Trip to Chicago

What do you do with only one day in Chicago? My family recently went there for a biannual reunion that I explained in a similar post a few years ago. Since then, the families have grown by one husband (mine) and five stepchildren (although only the youngest goes to the reunions). With only one full day that all six families would be in town, we decided to start with a trip to the Field Museum. Our party of 21 people hiked about a mile to the train station and rode an hour into the city. It's a personal post today at mental_floss.

Miss Cellania's Links

The Search for a Hot Craps Table. Subtitled The Effects of Temperature on the Outcome of Fair Dice.

What's the deal with Adam Sandler?

14 Mistakes That Really Should Never Have Happened. But when they do, the laugh is worth more than the trouble they cause.

NSFW haiku from the late teenage poet named Joe.

A Librarian Deals With Creeps, Crazies And Husband-Beaters. These kinds of adventures make working at home seem like a dream come true.

See how much trouble food stylists go through to make a McDonald's burger look good enough for an ad. Of course, the ones we eat never look this good, because they are actually edible.

The sequel (actually a prequel) to Monsters, Inc. is called Monsters University. It's only appropriate that the monsters go to college, as the kids who saw the first film in theaters will be in college when this movie opens in 2013.

The Rise of Nordic Noir TV. Scandinavian dramas are hot in the UK and may be coming to the U.S. -sooner or later.

How Cereal Transformed American Culture. What was originally a health food made it big as as kid chow.

The Story of Baby Squirrel and the Wall

A big squirrel jumps the wall easily, but baby squirrel is having trouble making it. He needs a little help! (via Bits and Pieces)

The First Kiss

There was a boy whose parents were very strict in his upbringing.  They never allowed him to meet any girls, except his own  relatives. However, one day he saw one of his best friends kissing a girl and he went to his mother and asked her what they  were doing.

His mother told him, "It's called kissing and any boy who does  that to a girl will die that very minute!"

On his 21st birthday he went out with some friends who introduced him to one of the sweetest girls around town.  She knew that he had never been kissed before.

When she eventually got some time alone with him, she tried to kiss him but he resisted. She asked him, "What are you afraid of, it won't hurt."

He said, "My mother said if I kiss a girl I'll die this very minute!!"

She replied, "Don't be a baby, now come on kiss me."

With that she gave him a hot one square across the lips.

He began to cry, "Oh no I'm going to die!!!"

She said, "Why are you going to die??"

He replied, "I've just kissed you and already one part of me has begun to get stiff!!"