Monday, December 16, 2019

Miss Cellania's Links

Duck Seeking Duck. This lonely hearts ad looks like a joke, but it is a real story about a real duck. (via Boing Boing)

Tipsy, the Expert Mouser Who Helped Police Solve a Murder. (via Strange Company)

Kylo Ren has a Christmas gift for Darth Vader.

Why the Christian Right Worships Donald Trump. (via Metafilter)

How a White Lie Gave Japan KFC for Christmas.

Explore The Deep Sea. Keep scrolling; it's pretty deep. (Thanks, Tim Spellman!)

The Eco-Fascists Are Coming. When Republicans eventually stop denying climate change, they'll start doing something much worse.

Amid the volcanoes of Kamchatka is a small gorge discovered only in 1975 that is known as the Valley of Death. There are no people there, and the valley acts as a trap: animals go in, but they don't come out. (via Strange Company)  

Returned Online Purchases Often Sent to Landfill. It's just easier for the retailer, but oh-so wasteful. (via Damn Interesting)

A blast from the past (2016): 9 Incredible Holiday-Themed Cakes.

1 comment:

xoxoxoBruce said...

If the clothing was made to a size standard it would cut down on half of that returning.