Thursday, September 12, 2019

Wrinkles the Clown

Remember the creepy clown scare of 2016? Even before that, there was a viral clown scare that you may have missed. In 2014, a surveillance video of a clown hiding under a child's bed made a stir. As strange as that was, the truth is even stranger: the parents hired Wrinkles the Clown to pull off the stunt and scare their daughter into behaving. Wrinkles is a retired Florida man who will appear as a creepy clown for any reason you want to pay for, and became national news after the bedroom video went viral.

Now Wrinkles is the subject of a horror film, set to hit theaters on October fourth. This one should give Pennywise a run for his money in the creep competition, because this movie is a documentary. (via Mental Floss)

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