Monday, February 18, 2019

Introducing: The Remote Control!

From 1961. My parents held out for many years afterward, because they believed they already had a remote control -at least until the kids left home and stopped switching channels for them. (via Everlasting Blort)


xoxoxoBruce said...

Damn lazy whippersnappers, we had to trudge through shag carpeting, uphill both ways, to turn the knobs.

gwdMaine said...

My first interaction with a remote control was a B&W TV that
had a mechanical contraption with gears on the back that
advanced the 13 channel dial one number at a time. Made
a lot of noise as it worked - k-chunk - k-chunk - k-chunk.
So it was called the k'changer. That was the 60s.

In the late 90's, early 00's, our daughters grew up with the
k'changer. Every. Remote. Was. A. k'changer.

Until my oldest had a sleepover one day and asked one of
her friends to hand her the k'changer. You can imagine how
that went. She has yet to let us forget about that. . . .