Thursday, November 15, 2018

Miss Cellania's Links

A roundup of comics and fan art drawn in honor of Stan Lee. More here.

The Plan to Sell Texas to Great Britain. It was, at its heart, a scheme to free Texas' slaves. (via Digg)

Trump closed an office that tracked ex-Gitmo inmates. Now we don’t know where some went.

Roman Fedortsov is a Russian deep-sea fisherman who photographs his more unusual catches, and shares them on Twitter and Instagram. See an extensive roundup of his scariest pictures of identified and unidentified creatures.

Raise Hell and Eat Cornbread, Comrades! Radicalism is just as indigenous to the South and Appalachia’s ideological makeup as cornbread is to its culinary profile.

Deaf Students Learn That People Can Hear Farts. The incident was an example of the isolation kids experience when their families aren't fluent in American Sign Language. (via Metafilter)

A Calvinesque and Hobbesian Look at the Midterms.

Kitten insists to stay while cutting onions. One of the lesser reasons you don't allow cats on kitchen counters.

A security guard stopped a mass shooting at a bar in a Chicago suburb, then police killed him. Jemel Roberson was the good guy with a gun, but he was black.

Neanderthals Weren't the Violent Brutes We Thought. They actually didn't have a higher rate of skull trauma than homo sapiens. 

A blast from the past (2014): 8 DNA Sculptures from Around the World.

1 comment:

gwdMaine said...

Perhaps a good time to revisit Donald and Hobbes­
It is still around. . .