Friday, September 21, 2018

Miss Cellania's Links

The Forgotten History of Captain Marvel. The character's story is interesting, but the story behind the comics is even more so.

Which Life Form Really Dominates Earth? From a biological point of view, it's not us humans.

How Golf Freed an Innocent Man from Prison. Golf Digest published an article about Dixon in 2012, and the publicity led to the dominos of Dixon's murder case falling, one by one, over the next six years. (via Metafilter)

5 Children's Books To Confuse Your Child Into Patriotism.

The Electoral College is a civic abomination. It doesn't even fulfill its original justification.

Mr. Rogers vs. the Superheroes. Nothing made him angrier than adults who would mislead young children.

The Three Major Cartels Behind the Downfall of Africa’s Elephants. Conservationists are using science to battle them from all angles. (via Boing Boing)

Nikola Tesla Built a Giant Tower to Send Wireless Electricity Around the World. What could possibly go wrong with such a brilliant idea?

Bob Iger Confirms a Star Wars Movie Slowdown. Disney has learned something from the lukewarm response to Solo.

A blast from the past (2009): Better Late Than Never: 6 Delayed Tales.

1 comment:

gwdMaine said...

The Federalist Papers are a series of essays started by
Alexander Hamilton arguing for the ratification of the U.S.
Constitution. In two of them, James Madison and Hamilton
explain their positions for an indirect presidential
election (via the Electoral College).

Federalist No.10­ - The Utility of the Union as a Safeguard
Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection by Madison

Federalist No. 68­ - The Mode of Electing the President
by Hamilton

Our Founders were concerned with factions gaining too
much power. It's why we're not a true Democracy but a

In 1831 Alexis de Tocqueville wrote Democracy in America,
one of the most influential books ever written about our
country. de Tocqueville is credited with coining the phrase
"Tyranny of the Majority" his interpretation of what could
happen if a large group of citizens highjacked an issue
which could violate the rights of others and the
principles of the Constitution.

There are some schools that recognize the significance of
de Tocqueville's book and make it a requirement.

The Tyranny of the Majority­

Not enough though.

To sum it all up; the Electoral College is a master-
piece of craftsmanship within the Constitution. Of
course every time it really comes into play, the loosing
side wants to tear it all down.