Friday, September 21, 2018

Brussels Sprouts

This is a true story from at least ten years ago, that I later made into a comic. The "little green balls of death" response inspired me to dig it out and post it.


Daniel P. said...

I love those bugger balls but this is hilarious. Thanks for this and thousands of other laughs.

Miss Cellania said...

It makes me happy that you like it!

Jane said...

Now that's funny.

drkev4golf said...

Reminds me of going out to lunch with the father of one of my (sport psychology) clients, Joe. He paid for the meal. We ate at my golf club cafe. I ordered the Philly Cheese Steak sandwich. The only other time I ordered this sandwich, which was the first time I ever ordered a Philly Cheese Steak was a couple of months earlier, also at a golf course restaurant, about 85 miles away. When I had that lunch with Joe, he asked me about the sandwich I was eating. The Philly Cheese Steak at my home course wasn't very good at all, and indeed sub-par compared to the sandwich I had about eight weeks ago. Nonetheless,I told him the sandwich was "one of the best Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches" I had ever had. Although it was very inferior to my first sandwich, I didn't feel I was lying to him at all.

Warren said...

Very good! It deserves wide distribution - have you posted it on imgur?

Miss Cellania said...

Thanks, Warren! But why would I want to post this on Imgur?