Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Miss Cellania's Links

Billion-dollar Babies: The Story of Beanie Babies. With an explanation of how carefully manipulated scarcity caused collectors to lose their minds.

Chris Rock on the state of the world. There are a lot of intriguing observations in the interview. (via Metafilter

A brief history of DIY spaceflight. Throughout history, people have been convinced they could do a better job -and sometimes they were right.

Watch Eerily Beautiful Drone Footage of Pripyat, Ukraine. The ghost town has been uninhabited and radioactive since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

The clothing company Shinesty recently unveiled a new line of men’s suits based on ugly Christmas sweater designs.

My Vassar College Faculty ID Makes Everything OK. “…scars accumulated in battles won sometimes hurt more than battles lost.”

Numbers Instead of Names on the Forgotten Graves of Asylum Patients. A visit to Letchworth Village in New York reveals the few remains of their existence.

11 Things You Should Know About Rocky & Bullwinkle. Moose and Squirrel were more than you could grasp as a child.

The Science of Why Cops Shoot Young Black Men.

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