Thursday, March 06, 2014

The 2014 Academy Awards Meme Roundup

Internet culture is invading the old world of TV more and more each day. I mentioned just the other day how people who’s been watching The Tonight Show since Johnny Carson took over for Jack Paar are now scratching their heads at Jimmy Fallon’s “hashtags” and “memes.” News programs are asking viewers to “Tweet” them. And the Academy Awards program last weekend was not only full of “selfies” and “photobombs,” but the celebrities in the auditorium were fully aware of such things, even more so than the average TV viewer. Or live TV viewer, that is. Many internet citizens caught the high points of the evening on DVR, YouTube, or even Twitter. And then they had fun with them, as you’ll see in this meme roundup I posted at mental_floss.

(Image by Iain Heath)

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