Friday, January 03, 2014

Miss Cellania's Links

A Few facts You Might Not Know About the TV Series Batman.

You can see every page of the first yearbook published by the students of Texarkana High School in Arkansas, celebrating the class of 1913. (via Digg)

34 American Lady Scientists Who Changed The World.

One of Kurosawa’s greatest films features zero samurai swords. Why you should watch the 1952 film Ikiru.

Meet the people who may someday live on Mars. Nine who survived the first cut for the Mars One mission share their application videos.

Cable companies are fighting back against people who drop cable and watch TV on the internet. Or at least they're trying to charge you money for watching TV on the internet.

Could you sum up your thesis in one sentence? I bet it's not as funny as these.

This guy recreates classic movie scenes with his boss's dog. It must be nice to have such free time at work, and a boss with such a sweet, patient dog.

James Avery, the Fresh Prince's Uncle Phil, died on New Year's Eve. In his memory, watch the glorious time he crashed the set of Family Matters.

A Stress Analysis of a Strapless Evening Gown.

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