Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Miss Cellania's Links

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.

Is science is in the eye of the beholder? [Hint: NO] (via Ed Yong

The Heartbreaking, Hair-Raising Tale Of Freak Show Star Julia Pastrana.

4 Famous Movies and Shows That Lied Their Way into Existence. (via Neatorama)

Progress bar gags by Viktor Hertz.

The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding will let you play with and hug a panda. All it will cost you is a few hundred dollars, and the cost of a trip to China.

Enjoy 30 funny signs that feature errors, bad translation, a wicked sense of humor, or possibly Photoshop. If I were Elwood, I'd fess up or get out of town.

Should Birth Control Sabotage Be Considered a Crime? Maybe, but enforcing or prosecuting such a law would be almost impossible in the U.S.

The Island Nation Doomed to Disappear Within Half a Century. Rising sea levels means the end of paradise on Kiribati.

Where Candy Canes Come From. They might even come from your kitchen!

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