Monday, September 09, 2013

Miss Cellania's Links

Le Grand K: The Perfect Kilogram.

Poll: Majority Of Americans Approve Of Sending Congress To Syria.

Wealthy Entitlement: Income inequality undermines the fairness of a free market. Since when has the free market ever been "fair"? Or "free," for that matter?

Absolute Worst Pictures of Men and Cats. I suppose the fashion model on the motorcycle was included just for contrast. (via b3ta)

The quiz Crapper Mapper challenges you to identify where in the world a toilet is located by its photograph. 

If you didn't get enough Breaking Bad last night, here's some behind-the-scenes photographs. Worth it just to see Gus smiling with half a face.

The best ads for pet adoption. These grab you right in the... not so much heart, but your ego.

Inside the Nazi Mind at the Nuremberg Trials. Psychologists who witnessed the proceedings were there to figure out the root of evil.

One man's quest to find a roommate on Craigslist, using 46 photographs. It didm't take him long to find a new place to live.

A brief history of chemical warfare. It started over 2,000 years ago.

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