Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Love and OCD

What's it like to fall in love when you are suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? Neil Hilborn told the story last month at the 2013 Rustbelt Regional Poetry Slam. You might laugh, but eventually you'll tear up a little. (via Viral Viral Videos)


Redfish John said...

Wow! I just got around to viewing this today and am amazed there are no comments here. Every once and awhile you see something that is somewhat out of your come zone and it shocks you into realizing what it means to be human. I recently turned 60 and, believe me; the world, people, the human mind, everything just keeps becoming more fascinating. Thanks, Miss C

Miss Cellania said...

I appreciate that. I keep telling myself that people must enjoy these posts and just don't leave comments because of Blogger's spam problem, which makes commenting more difficult than it should be.