Thursday, March 15, 2012

Miss Cellania's Links

German DJ/comedian Flula Borg was supposed to interview celebrities about a movie, but just asked them to record sounds. The resulting song made from the samples is more interesting than most PR sessions.

Dharun Ravi has been charged with a hate crime in the suicide death of his roommate Tyler Clementi. What will the outcome of the case mean to the rest of us?

David P. Grier and his wife Anna McKinney Grier were separated for long periods during the early part of their marriage while he was fighting in the Civil War. The letters he wrote her are breathtaking in their expression.

If you are in charge of buying lottery pool tickets, give everyone the numbers before they're drawn. Americo Lopes won millions, but said that ticket was his personal lottery ticket, which a jury found hard to believe.

NASA made a video on the 4.5-billion-year history of the moon. The captions are a bit small, but the animation is beautiful.

The Sugar Daddy Recession. "If there was ever a time when love wasn’t for sale, it existed before Craigslist met the credit crunch."

There is no reason to run wild if you have no erection!

The recipe for Homemade Shamrock Shakes. (via Boing Boing)

Americans are working longer hours to keep their jobs during the recession. And bosses ask them to, despite evidence that more hours means less productivity and a variety of adverse effects.

Notable Bathtubs in History. Big things happen while big thinkers are soaking the dirt away.

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